Melquiades Aserón

Customer Success · Business Development · Law

Poem - My Morning Sunshine

Poem - My Morning Sunshine Melquiades Aserón

My Morning Sunshine

Crisp, refreshing air.
Overhead, birds singing.
Full of possibilities and hope,
that’s why I love mornings.

There’s the sunrise,
so silently majestic.
Sweeping away the darkness,
even through clouds so thick.

Then there’s Mass at dawn,
where I prayed for love true,
followed by fresh pan de sal,
and a brief moment with you.

And that is why
I can’t help and compare
you, my love,
to mornings so fair.

Oh, my Morning Sunshine,
how I adore you so!
Sent to me by the Divine,
to love and to cherish, to have and to hold.

The despair of the long night
prior to your dawn;
it’s kept at bay by your light,
your homey glow.

So on this day, I rejoice,
for a year of endless morning.
One filled with you, my Sunshine,
for whom I spent a lifetime searching.