Customer Success > Technology Skills

Ever since I first got my hands on a PC (an Acer one back in 2000), I have loved using computers and digital technology in general. I've come a long way since then; from using computers to play Age of Empires and Cadet 3D Pinball, typing my homework on MS Word 97, and looking stuff up on Encyclopædia Britannica using the CD that came with the handsome books that my parents bought (Google wasn't a thing yet, I'm not that young!) - to using technology to help make a difference in how people do their jobs, by improving efficiency.

Using technology to work smarter

I really love helping clients get the most out of their software solutions. It's a different dimension to customer service, where the software does much of the repetitive and error-prone work for the client, and I just work with my team to help them set it up and keep it running. It's fun and exciting to get the technology working the way it should - I live for the pleased oohs and aahs of clients once they see how they can now dedicate more time to adding value to other aspects of their jobs after a succcessful project.

That's not where it ends, though. The same solution can be offered by a competitor, and making the client stay is another skill altogether.

Having grown up with a love for technology and taking for granted tech skills that I've accumulated over the years, it still comes as a bit of a surprise to me that there are people who are not very adept (or interested) in technology, and that's where I come in - I help clients get what they need out of the technology, regardless of their level of understanding or interest.

But that's not enough - the technology itself needs to stay ahead of its competitors. I do my part by leveraging my client relationships in gaining knowledge of how to make the technology more responsive to the evolving needs of clients.

Product Knowledge
Mastery of the product / service

I do my best to hit the ground running by learning the ins and outs of the product / service as fast as I can because I work best when I'm able to confidently and enthusiastically talk about it.

Clients can sense when someone has an excellent command of the product / service, and I found that the most effective way I can gain their trust and respect is by clearly demonstrating my mastery over it. After all, if they can't rely on the very person who represents the product / service, who can they rely on?

However, perfect knowledge does not exist, and so we must work with what we have. I do that by filling the gaps with other skills I have at my disposal, depending on the client. For example, I can take a candid approach and admit that I don't know with a client who is more understanding, reassuring them that I will find out and get back to them; on the other hand, I would need to carefully mask knowledge gaps with a more impatient client.

Keeping abreast of cutting-edge technology

My genuine interest for all things technology keeps me informed about the latest developments, be it consumer electronics or groundbreaking discoveries in other fields such as law, medicine and even archeology. This innate curiosity allows me to see opportunities for innovation by analogous application of such knowledge.

In order to properly sift through the ocean of information available, I am selective in terms of following sources of tech information, choosing those that provide quality information, while also keeping an open mind about niche sources to maintain a diverse source of information.

Advanced MS Office
Maximizing the potential of the ubiquitous office suite

I know - I'm just another guy who knows how to use MS Office. Yes, but what if I told you that I've been working with Clippy ever since I was a kid? OK, I admit - I can't choose between Word and Pages, PowerPoint and Keynote, and Excel and Numbers.

The ubiquity of Microsoft Office means that, even in today's world of endless choices, people can still collaborate across all platforms using files in the common .docx .xlsx .pptx formats.

What sets a regular user from a wiz, however, consists in knowing how to unlock the awesome powers hidden within these near-universal file formats, such Magical Merge Fields, Don't Do VLOOKUP, and Amazing Animations.

Basic SQL & HTML Coding
Applying creativity in coming up with logical expressions

I don't have an IT or Computer Science degree, but using the quasi-SQL language that was available in AssignmentPro™ gave me a good understanding of basic SQL, which I always found fun to use.

As for HTML coding, I've come a long way from using Microsoft FrontPage in high school to using Visual Studio Code for this website.

For an example, if a client receives an email through the tool which contains words that would trigger an automated workflow that was built into the system, I can express it as follows:

  • [CASE WHEN Client_Request_Email IN("%Urgent%", "%ASAP%", "%Immediate%") AND Alert_Level != "Critical" THEN Alert_Level = "Critical" ELSE Alert_Level = "Business-as-usual" END]

The creativity involved in coming up with the code and the trial-and-error process is all part of the fun, but I always back up any pre-existing codes (and do all my testing on a test/staging site, if available), just in case anything goes south.

JIRA & Confluence
Great tools for supporting and collaborating with clients

In my experience, the beauty of using JIRA to support clients is in the transparency of the ticket sytem that promotes continuity of operations, thus doing away with the limitations of communicating via email (as long as they are properly updated). KPIs are tracked, and issues are better analyzed for any gaps in service delivery.

Similarly, I've used Confluence to collaborate with multiple project stakeholders to keep everyone on the same page by documenting requirements and discussions, and tracking progress.

I make the most out of the Technology skills I have by using them alongside my Soft Skills, and then putting them to good use in Customer Service.

Want to know more?

You can read my blog posts on #customer-success, check out my LinkedIn profile, send me an e-mail, download my CV, or click on the social media links below.

I'd love to hear from you! 😄

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